Detective Jack Warner’s latest case thrusts him into the bizarre world of a psychologist turned serial kidnapper. Wealthy victims forced to live in a log cabin. Poor victims forced to live in a gated mansion. Experimental human behavior modification.
Surveillance cameras everywhere…
Current Project
Matthew’s latest novel, SUBJECT 27, is a psychological thriller, the first in the Jack Warner detective series.
Murder isn’t so bad—kidnappings are worse.
More than anything, Detective Jack Warner hates working kidnappings. His younger sister died during a kidnapping attempt twenty-seven years earlier.
Fueled by the memory of his sister’s death, Warner is obsessed with finding Alexis van Dornan alive. In the process, he discovers multiple kidnapping victims.
The Sheepdog In You
While my writing involves works of fiction, designed to both thrill and entertain readers, it is also intended to honor those men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting others from harm. Whether they serve in the clandestine intelligence community, the military, or in law enforcement, these individuals are sheepdogs—waiting for the wolf to appear. More accurately, they are seeking the wolf out before he can attack the sheep.